The Love Of My Life...My Little Angel

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

23 Aug 2011 - Paed Appointment - Serdang Hospital

23/08/2011 - Another appointment at paed clinic Serdang Hosp.  Scheduled for every 6 months at the moment.
It was raining heavily all the way from home to the hospital.  Iman's mood was okay that morning, accept when the nurse tried to take her blood pressure reading that she began to fuss.  At last the nurse only weighed and measured her height.
The doctor was quite nice.  A very `green' and friendly male doctor.  Iman cooperated well with him during the quick check up.  She even shake his hand in a proper manner.  We did talk about Iman's autism.  I asked him which autism characteristics that he can see in Iman.  He said she's a bit active and poor in eye contact. He claimed that he's familiar with autism cases and have a sister who has impairment in both ears and autistic as well (quite severe autism).  Hearing that, I tried to make conversation so that he would share his experience with his sister.  At the end of the conversation I decided that he was not that knowledgeable about autism even though he is a doctor with an autistic relative !  What a let down.... hhhmm. 
A quick check in Iman' medical record - Iman' last urine test was okay.  Alhamdulillah.
Iman was scheduled for another 6 months.

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