The Love Of My Life...My Little Angel

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Iman: Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD)

Just look at her...
This is the worst thing that had happened to Iman so far.  The night before (14 Nov 2008) we found a pimple like bump on her buttock and thought she might be coming down with chicken pox or something but no fever whatsoever furthermore she was happy and active as usual.  The next day went we came to fetch her from the sitter, she was having fever and the dotted with blister all over her body.  The the sitter said Iman's having chicken pox and we had to take care of her ourselves (of course we would, no need for her to remind us, Iman is ours !!).  But I was angry why the sitter didn't call me and tell about this but waited until we came back from work instead.  We were puzzled actually, how did this happened just within a day, so unlike the normal chicken pox symptom !  We brought her to see a doctor and the doctor too was puzzled.  But prescribed us with some med/antibiotic and calamine lotion (common treatment for chicken pox).  Iman still active and smiles as usual.  But then she started to vomit (few times) and looked tired and the 'dots' got worst.  Most of the dots on her legs and arms but only a few on her lips and face.

Fever, but still active
That smile....
Skin start to peel
All over the legs ...
 Then the dots turned dark and the skin peeled off.  I was so sad to see her.  Then I was down with fever and blisters like dots started to turn up on my hands and feet but not as bad as Iman's.  When I went to the clinic thinking I was having chicken pox but was told HFMD instead.  We showed Iman picture and the people at the clinic said ; HFMD.  What surprise us were, I was not being quarantine or anything.  May be I was infected because I was BF Iman.  As a grown up I had felt uncomfortable, Iman as a baby might felt worst !  Again, I prayed the worst episode be gone soon.
Iman is always a strong baby and she recovered fast just that the peeled skin looked pink and then the scar turned dark.  Looked like she lost a bit of weight too.

Peeled ... scar
That toothless smile ..
The scars were very difficult to heal.
Only after her HFMD episode did her eczema was visible again.
Iman in action again


  1. Hi,
    She is very cute :)
    We have the same thing happening to our eczema baby boy. He has exactly the same skin as your little one on the picture. Never thought it would get this bad!
    His dad had it before him, but he only had the blisters and spots on his hands, feet and some in his mouth. Maybe it is just that much more serious with eczema babies.
    Hoping it will get better soon :S

    1. I just read your comment. She's cute isn't she? thanks..
      For her eczema, I think virgin coconut oil is the best...

  2. My son just was diagnosed with this!! His legs are the worst, much like your little one. He also has eczema, like you said, maybe its just worst for little ones with eczema! Did the scars stay on your Iman? Or did they eventually disapear? I'd hate for my little boy to have these scars for ever... Thanks for your help! I'm so happy that I came accross your blog! Take care!

  3. I would also like to know if the scars eventually faded. We are on day 19 and the scars are still look terrible, kind of purple in color. He also has eczema so I was wondering if thats why he got it worse than the other children at the babysitters. Iman is so cute by the way! I'm so glad I found your blog!

  4. wow, this looks very much like my sons illness which has been diagnosed as eczema herpeticum.. I may make a point of taking him in for a second opinion now, he has awful looking legs and arms, another person who is glad to have seen this blog, thank you :)
