The Love Of My Life...My Little Angel

Friday, January 29, 2010

Iman - Intro To Solid Food

Ayah was not happy with this pic...  because he's not wearing shirt... hehehe

 We started to introduce solid after she was 6 going 7 months.  Everybody (her sitter and my mum included) was busy asking why she was not given 'any food' yet.  I just told them; she had to wait until after she was 6 months, meanwhile I would like to only feed her with breast milk !  Some people just wouldn't understand why she had to wait.  Well, I couldn't care less what others think, I just want to do what was the best for my baby. Except for her eczema, she was a healthy happy baby even without the solid food they were fussing about !  She rarely had fever after her scheduled injections, even when she was down with fever she was still smile and active.  I started her solid with apple sauce (her favorite till now), pear, carrot, avocado and butternut squash (didn't like it).  I made the sauces in batches and frozen them.  The sitter thought I was one 'weird' mother, feeding Iman like that.  Yeah... I was so much 'different' from other mothers whom children she was taking care of.  Even Iman's bottle was different from others; I used Doctor Brown's, it was a good choice since she didn't have any colic problem while using it.
Then, I made her soft porridge; rice (brown rice sometimes), fish and vegetables, always fish - salmon, cod and other fish.  Fish is always good for the developing brain.  I always remember what one professor I met once before who told me about his son which he had fed fish (his wife wasn't happy about the fish !) and later turned out to be a very bright boy.  I hope Iman would be too in the future.  Sometimes, I cooked her vegetable pasta, fish and vegetable (green if possible). 
One thing that Iman couldn't take was banana; I fed her once and it ended up with constipated Iman.  Usually people took banana to ease constipation but the opposite in Iman case.
Iman trying avocado; not her favorite.

Happy .... happy ...
Iman trying butternut squash - didn't like it either

Her skin still blemished with the HFMD scars.
Some people referred to her thighs as Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) !

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