The Love Of My Life...My Little Angel

Saturday, October 15, 2011

08 - 09 Oct 2011 - Fraser Hill, Pahang

I always want to visit Fraser Hill for a long time... at last... I was there...again for the very `same reason'... what reason? Let it be ...
Iman was having trouble tolerating the winding route... at last on our way down, she vomited... 
Nothing much activities to be done there... but I love the scenery and trees along the road...

Friday, October 14, 2011

01 Oct 2011 - Corrus Beach Resort, Port Dickson

01 Oct 2011- Just to get out of the house, we spent the weekend at the resort while doing some `inner self reflection'... hhmmm ... meaning ? what ever it meant ...
Iman @ water baby as usual was `crazy' about playing in the pool...
`Mummy, mummy, I am so happy' ... wow...she's talking !
When a fat boy came in the pool, she was heard saying, `a monster' ... Monster huh? hehehe
Breakfast at the restaurant by the pool was not a success, Iman was crying and screaming till she was changed into her bathing suit and her dad went into the pool with her... water baby huh?

Iman vs mummy

Lately Iman been calling me mummy instead of mama few weeks ago... just not sure what she ended up calling at the end...hhmm..
Iman is heard talking in sentences nowadays...clearly and then mumbling again...
What ever it is I'll always pray for the best...
Nur Iman Zarifah, you'll always be my precious little you so much my little darling...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

21 Sep 2011 - OCCT Serdang Hospital

Another OCCT appointment at Serdang Hospital - morning session.  I think I prefer morning session because Iman is more relax and alert during this time compared to afternoon session when she usually tired and sleepy and not cooperative sometimes.  During this session, again Iman was pared with another male practical student.  The boy was from Sarawak, he kept calling Iman, Aiman but quickly realized his mixed up.  Aiman is a boy's name...hhhmmm.
Iman was still having problem finishing a task while in the confined seat.  She was more interested in the bird dangling from the light room' ceiling than the lights in the room.  Then when we going from the light room to the ball's room Ima, who was struggling a bit with her slippers, were heard saying, `I'm coming, wait, where you going?' she ran after me and quickly grabbed my hand.  There.... she can speak... speak appropriately to the situation, I mean.
She was happy playing in the pool of balls and then sat `patiently' sticking stickers using glue.  She definitely can concentrate when she's interested in the task.
Lately we are hearing Iman referring/calling me MOMMA and sometimes she added `a' in front; a momma ? Sometimes she kept repeating Momma, Momma then kissed me... Why she just refused to call me Umi ? hhhmmm...should I change referring myself as Momma instead of Umi?  May be I should ?

My little angel

Trying out my selendang

17 Sep 2011 - My Cousin's Adopted Grand Daughter's Wedding

That weekends we went back home to Segamat to attend  my cousin's adopted grand daughter's wedding.  The girl (named Nurul Ain) was given to my cousin's son's (known as Nong to us) wife by the grand father to be adopted when she was a baby.  She was borne into an Indian/Hindu family.  We were wondering and surprised why the ceremony was so `plain' since she was the only child.  After the Majlis Bersanding, we stopped by at my third sister's house for raya visit.  Iman enjoyed herself playing in the twin's play room. We sisters and my mum did take photos there, after few years without.

The couple bersanding outside the Balai Raya
Closed-up...wonder why their wedding attire was so `blend'

Mum with first born
Mum with second daughter
Mum with her youngest
Mum with her four wonderful and beautiful daughters 
Enjoying kuih raya
Enjoying the toys with the twin
Working on new music

14 Sep 2011 - Iman OCCT at GHKL

!4 Sep 2011 - another appointment for OCCT at GHKL.  We were there early, Iman was in a good mood.  While waiting to be called in Iman made an impression on another patient; a 7 year old chinese girl who was also an autistic waiting to see her child psychiatrist.  The chinese girl had kissed Iman ! Then, the mother welcome Iman to sit with them and the girl shared her ipad with Iman.  The mother told me her daughter never want to share her ipad with her sister at home.
At last Iman's name was called.  To my disappointment, Iman therapist was changed...again!  We had to go through the history ... again... hhhhmm.

Sharing with a stranger ?

Aidil Fitri 2011

Aidil Fitri 2011 - celebrated at my hometown after few years of celebrating (first day) at the in laws.  We didn't go anywhere, my mum was not feeling very well so, we stayed/rested at home and entertained relatives who came for a raya visit.
Few days after that we went home then visited the relatives on my hubby's side.

Here are some photos on the festive days:

I reshaped her hair for hari raya

Ayah: ready for Eid's prayer

Waiting for her songs to reload on laptop

Waiting patiently for her songs

Enjoying satay till the stick poked her cheek

Watching bubbles floating around

Enjoying meehoon at my old friend's raya open house
With my old/school friend during her open house

Just look at her

Posing with me

Grinning for the camera

Shy shy cat

Happy moment with ayah

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

23 Aug 2011 - Paed Appointment - Serdang Hospital

23/08/2011 - Another appointment at paed clinic Serdang Hosp.  Scheduled for every 6 months at the moment.
It was raining heavily all the way from home to the hospital.  Iman's mood was okay that morning, accept when the nurse tried to take her blood pressure reading that she began to fuss.  At last the nurse only weighed and measured her height.
The doctor was quite nice.  A very `green' and friendly male doctor.  Iman cooperated well with him during the quick check up.  She even shake his hand in a proper manner.  We did talk about Iman's autism.  I asked him which autism characteristics that he can see in Iman.  He said she's a bit active and poor in eye contact. He claimed that he's familiar with autism cases and have a sister who has impairment in both ears and autistic as well (quite severe autism).  Hearing that, I tried to make conversation so that he would share his experience with his sister.  At the end of the conversation I decided that he was not that knowledgeable about autism even though he is a doctor with an autistic relative !  What a let down.... hhhmm. 
A quick check in Iman' medical record - Iman' last urine test was okay.  Alhamdulillah.
Iman was scheduled for another 6 months.

Monday, August 22, 2011

21 Aug 2011 - New TV Set

This Sunday we got a new tv set because the old one went caputt.
Previously, Iman had to bang all over; sides, above etc in order to get the tv showing pictures while watching her cartoon series. Iman was upset, most of the time. We decided to get the `cheapest' and reliable (hopefully) LED tv with the money we had from this year's bonus ...  Now, Iman is happy watching her cartoon... alhamdulillah

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

16 August 2011 - Improvement in food intake

As for today Iman seems to improve in her food intake.  She began to drink her milk before bed.  Last night she tried fried long bean (didn't like it though) eat a small piece of scramble egg and munched on fried anchovies.  Last Sunday, she refused her lunch and there was meltdown scene after that, which I really had a hard time to tolerate it.  At last she fell asleep without eating anything for lunch.  At 3pm I made her a bottle of milk and she drank it without fussing.
Nowadays, she love to eat mashed potato for lunch....for dinner any time for that matter... spooning herself with big scoop of mashed potato...
I tried mixing a small amount of multivit in her ribena juice and it sure took her a long time to drink her juice... hhhmm..

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Iman - 10 August 2011

After her episode last week, Iman refused to take her milk.  She did suck a few suction and push away her bottle.  Most of the time she would cry when we asked her whether she want her milk.  On Sunday she just threw away her Lifefactory bottle - it broke !  I did put in the Appeton Lysine syrup in her ribena in hope to improve her appetite, sometimes she made us make her another drink, I guess she knew something else was added in her drinking bottle.  Now, she began to feed herself during lunch and dinner. 

8th August - Iman refused to go in the car in the morning when we were getting ready to go out to go to work.  She cried and cried and cried.  At last we gave in, we just stayed at home.  May be she was still feeling unwell and I hate to leave her in the hands of a stranger knowing that she was not well.  We spend the day with her and brought her to play at Kid Center at the Giant Shopping Complex.  Just to make her happy and in hope that she would forget her experience at the Hospital.

9th August - Iman was again back at the carer house while we were at work.  I was told by the carer that Iman was not playing as usual but still singing.  She slept that morning. 

10th August - The old Iman is coming back ... slowly... alhamdulillah

The pink skin bottle - Lifefactory bottle life ended last Sunday
This siliskin bottle - still alive

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

3rd - 6th August 2011 - Iman admitted to Serdang Hospital

The night of 3rd August 2011 - Iman vomited for at least 5 times.  Refused her bottle.  Umi was worried and alone at home.  Ayah didn't answer his phone while he's at the surau for terawih...

The afternoon of 3rd August - Umi decided to bring Iman to the hospital since Iman was weak and refused any food and drink.  Iman did sip some plain water.  Iman still vomited.

At the Serdang Hospital (Emergency Section) - we had to wait for at least 2 hour.  So much for emergency huh?  They claimed they had to attend to the `real' emergency cases first and they are short of hands...  At last we were called in.  The Indian Doctor took a look at Iman.  Iman refused to cooperate (as usual).  Refused to open up her mouth.  When told that Iman refused her milk and she usually take her medicine with milk, the doctor called the Paed ward and Iman was admitted to the Ward 5B, Paed.  In away I was glad because there Iman would be put on iv drip and that's the best way since Iman is dehyrated.  The doctor inserted the needle in her right hand.  Iman cried and scream but less vigor.  Iman was not having a fever.
Ayah had to go back home to fetch the few necessities for us while we're staying at the ward.  The doctor in charge (actually she was still doing her housemen) came and interviewed me... history of Iman ; birth... jaundice... eczema... bla... bla..bla..autism etc... She was quite a nice young lady... we even jump into her own personal story...well she's so fresh out of college and was trying to adjust herself with working life... she considered a doctor does not have much time or no life because she thought they are too busy and too tired to have a life...hhhmm  ... pity huh?  Then, Ayah came back with our things and some food for Umi since it was fasting month.  Later on Iman was put on iv drip.  I was sad to see the lethargic look on Iman face... 
Iman develop fever while in the ward.  At night we snuggled in the bed together.  Iman would always pull my arms around her (all the time) during our stay in the hospital.

4th August - Iman temperature rose during the night and at about 6 am Iman was so warm to my touch.  I quickly sponging Iman with wet towel all over her body.  The bed was dredged wet.  The nurse came and took her temperature and then inserted the tablet in her behind. Iman temperature gradually went down.  Alhamdulillah.  However, Iman temperature went up and down for the next few hours.  Iman refused to eat or drink. Even her bottle was pushed away ....weakly. Then the iv drip was switch to her left hand since her right hand had swollen. Ayah was there when they `poked' her for the second time.  That morning also one Doctor Johan (from UPM) came over followed by the flock of other doctors, housemens included.  The housemen doctor brief him, it was quite a long briefing if you asked me... He asked questions and checked Iman.  He told me they thought Iman might be contracted infection in her bowel through urine.  He thought they might need some urine sample.  Well, sampling was sure not an easy task.  At last they extracted the urine from her via tube.  She was screaming then vomited on the procedure bed.  I was asked to leave the room.  They will do the culture and they will call us if need to.
On the same afternoon Prof. Norlijah Othman (UPM's Medical and Health Science Faculty Dean) made her round.  My impression of her - a bit stuck up !  She didn't believe me when I said Iman refused to drink or eat... of course as Iman's mother I knew her well... She took Iman drinking bottle just to show me how I should persuade Iman to drink ? Even the cap came off the bottle in her hand ! There in front of Mr Johan, other doctors and housemen doctor, Iman just refused her !  ... she gave up and left... Being a prof doesn't mean you know everything ... I like Mr Johan - nice, polite and considerate.  The Prof also heard fussing about time as if she was too busy and want to be quick about going round the ward.  Later, I told the doctor in charge of Iman to never act like the Prof in the future.... she personally not in favor of the Prof manner either...

5th August - Iman was having diarrhea since the evening before. In the morning Iman did try eating a bit of cereal while playing with mickey and yellow duck. Iman was playing and smiling.  I was relief.  Later that afternoon Iman was transferred to another room for kids with diarrhea.  Iman health improved and she stopped vomiting and no more diarrhea.  She played with her dolls and read her books and doodled with her crayon.  she slept better that night.  They monitor her for another few hours more.  Just as the last drip finished, Iman pulled out the needle, she just sat there with thing out of  her hand...
I was still asked to give Iman the paracetamol syrup prepared in the syringe even though she was no longer having fever, well I just wash it down at the sink !  

6th August - Iman was better... we went to play at the kid play center in the ward.  She was sliding happily.  Soon Iman was discharged..  The end of an episode - warded in Hospital Serdang... hopefully Iman will get better and take in her drink and food well after this and never have tostay in the ward.

Here are some pictures of Iman at the ward:

The tired looking Iman

IV drip in

Temperature going up... clothes off

Feeding mickey

Breakfast with mickey and ducky

A little cheerful and playful morning

Her lunch - half slice of bread

The last bottle - 5th