On 1st May 2010, my 3rd sister came over with her family and my mother (I asked her to). She came to pick up the Lunatots CD which I bought for Iman but decided not to use them and gave them to her instead so that she can try to CDing her twin boys. I talked/discussed/showed about CDing how to, care and stuffs. She decided to buy another set of Wuddah CD and another set of Lunatots and a wet bag from Lunatots also. I showed her my wet bag and promoted her Lunatots's wet bag for her usage (I should have been the Lunatots's reseller !). They stayed overnight even though they didn't plan to do so at the beginning. They went to Giant Hypermarket to get stuffs like clothes etc for the one night stay. I told them the next day after zohor prayer we are going to Seremban because we have something to settle there, I didn't tell them about Iman's even when they asked why. Till now nobody on both side of our families knew about Iman's situation. We don't think there is any reason why they should been told. Therefore, they left home before zohor the next day.
Today, I sent an e-mail to my sister telling her that she might received her order a bit late because my husband will be busy seeing his family's matter for this week and couldn't go to the shops. His father will be admitted to Institut Jantung Negara (IJN) tomorrow - 05 May 2010 and operated on Thursday/06 May 2010 to relocate his heart's battery from his left chest to his right side because some wire had been came out of his skin. His skin is thin and he is one skinny man. On 2nd May 2010, we went home and he showed my husband the wire. On 3rd May, as planned, my husband accompanied him for his scheduled visit at IJN. The technician who saw him quickly called the surgeon about the wire and the surgeon came right away to see the matter. Then, the surgeon decided to change the location of the battery, he told them that it must be done quickly because the cut in the skin caused by the wire might led to infection and then the heart might get infected too. Dangerous situation there ! No wonder the surgeon quickly scheduled for the operation. I will be praying for his quick recovery after his operation. Frankly, I like my father in law, he is a nice man and he treated me nicely. He always hugged and kissed my forehead (in a fatherly manner) when I visited him. I realized that he always did that after my father had passed away (he did saw my tears the first time I went home after my father's death). May be he tried to love me as a father since I didn't have one anymore. I used to asked my husband did he ever saw his father did that to his sister in law ? He told me, never. Whatever it is, I prayed for his good health. When the day came, the Dr didn't change the battery location but he changed all the wires instead. My father in law had to stay at IJN for a week, the Dr said they had to monitor him/wire and he had to do physiotherapy too. He told us his arm hurt when he tried to raise it. And after four days the wound inflamed too. We are not sure when he will be discharged.
We posted the CDs's order to my sister on 10th May 2010. She can try them on her kids soon. From her blog, she sounded excited to try them on... hhmm hopefully she will stay faithful with the CD...hahaha...
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