For a few days (11 - 14 March 2010) my second eldest sister (unmarried) came for a visit; she said she missed Iman. We picked her up (as usual) at Seremban Bus Terminal One. We saw Iman was happy to see and play with her aunt. She also gave the clothes she bought for Iman (thank you very much my dear sister). Then, on Sunday, 14 March 2010, we sent her to the Seremban Bus Terminal Two so she could take a bus to go back to Johor Baru. On the way back, we had passed by the Homeopathy Clinic, I pointed out to my husband and suggested that we should dropped by and have a look and see. Actually both of us been doing some reading about homeopathy treatment for autistic children and we read some success stories and very much interested to try it on Iman. Frankly, I myself prefer the so called alternative treatment rather than usual conventional medical treatment (if any ?). So we did dropped in and it happened that the man who saw and talked to us was the Doctor himself. At first we asked about homeopathy treatment in general and then jump into the autistic subject while Iman was was busy running around, climbing up and down the bench and foot stool. I did asked him about his own success stories of any of his patients and did tell us about one particular seven year old boy who received his treatment was doing okay after six months. I asked the doctor if he thought Iman was autistic at the first glance. He said Iman looked normal to him and he thought Iman was at least four years old. The doctor agreed that Iman's eye contact and name calling respond were not (quite) okay. Then, we proceeded into his room and more questions were asked while Iman was busy playing around the doctor's room, trying to grab whatever things on his desk, got a pen and tried to scribble on the doctor's paper, locking the doctor's room door, Iman did pick up the doctor's weighing scale and threw it down and the same went with the rubics cube given to her by the doctor ! At last the doctor told us that Iman was not really looks like she was autistic (Iman did her spinning once; for a brief moment) in front of the doctor while we were talking at the counter before that), she was alert and active and from what we told him Iman was still one okay child but still too early to say anything and Iman was still too young of age (I was quite relieve to hear that !). He gave us two types of pills for Iman to try in one weeks. We paid RM25.00 for this visit. The doctor did have another observation while Iman was playing outside his room before we left. Iman was not having any problem in taking those little pills. What's next ? I am not sure... but I guess we just have to wait and see if there will be any changes or improvement in Iman's condition.
Iman refused to be pictured with her aunt; watching cartoon on tv. |
The pills; pink = 2 pills every noon and night and white = 4 pills every morning and evening. |
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