The Love Of My Life...My Little Angel

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Iman & Mi

For the last few days I had been hearing the most wonderful word from Iman's mouth ... that was `MI' (short for UMI) .... yes, she `recognized' me now !  She's been calling me with that special word... how nice...I had been waiting for so long and at last she did it... how sweet ... to my ears...
Wonderful progress so to speak. 
However, all her medicine had to be diluted in her milk now... if not, she won't take them by herself.  May be next time we will ask for liquid form instead of tablet...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Second Trip To Homeopathy Clinic

21 March 2010 - 2nd trip to the clinic.
Today we met another `doctor'; a woman.  We discussed about Iman's improvement; focussing better, more vocal, no spinning ( at least for the last 2 days), no hand flapping and responding to instruction better.  Today I watched Iman did her block stacking... you know what?  She didn't do it perfectly ... yeah... that's not one of the autistic characteristic isn't it ??  Actually, she never did stack anything `perfectly' not even once !   But, I could see her improved in her patience in doing the stacking.  Yeah, we saw improvement in her... relieved ? ...thank God...
I had a nice chat with the lady doctor...may be because she is a woman (or may be being a mother herself?) so that she listened more to what I said ?  We decided to take Iman' medicine supply for 2 weeks so that we don't have to travel every week.  We also asked for Iman's runny nose medicine.
From what I had brief the doctor about Iman' history, she believed that Iman's case was not serious/severe and she was positive that Iman will be cured soon.  She did tell me about few cases they treated successfully before - within 6 months to one year - cured
Looking at Iman's behavior today, she behaved better compared to the first visit - she didn't throw away the rubics cube she took from the doctor desk, she didn't pick up and throw the doctor's weighing scale apparatus (bought from IKEA ! the tag ?)... overall she was behaving well.  Was that a sign that Iman is improving ??  I really hope so.
Iman... umi never stop praying that you will be okay soon.  I really missed the happy chatty Iman I used to know before.

Iman and ayah; leaving for the clinic.  Iman wearing one of the shirts given by Mak Ngah last week.

The pills

The medicine; the same as the last week (changed from small white tablet to orange in color and bigger size tablet because Iman didn't like the small white one)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Trying Homeopathy - 14 March 2010

For a few days (11 - 14 March 2010) my second eldest sister (unmarried) came for a visit; she said she missed Iman.  We picked her up (as usual) at Seremban Bus Terminal One.  We saw Iman was happy to see and play with her aunt.  She also gave the clothes she bought for Iman (thank you very much my dear sister).  Then, on Sunday, 14 March 2010, we sent her to the Seremban Bus Terminal Two so she could take a bus to go back to Johor Baru.  On the way back, we had passed by the Homeopathy Clinic, I pointed out to my husband and suggested that we should dropped by and have a look and see.  Actually both of us been doing some reading about homeopathy treatment for autistic children and we read some success stories and very much interested to try it on Iman.  Frankly, I myself prefer the so called alternative treatment rather than usual conventional medical treatment (if any ?).  So we did dropped in and it happened that the man who saw and talked to us was the Doctor himself.  At first we asked about homeopathy treatment in general and then jump into the autistic subject while Iman was was busy running around, climbing up and down the bench and foot stool.  I did asked him about his own success stories of any of his patients and did tell us about one particular seven year old boy who received his treatment was doing okay after six months. I asked the doctor if he thought Iman was autistic at the first glance.  He said Iman looked normal to him and he thought Iman was at least four years old.  The doctor agreed that Iman's eye contact and name calling respond were not (quite) okay.  Then, we proceeded into his room and more questions were asked while Iman was busy playing around the doctor's room, trying to grab whatever things on his desk, got a pen and tried to scribble on the doctor's paper, locking the doctor's room door, Iman did pick up the doctor's weighing scale and threw it down and the same went with the rubics cube given to her by the doctor !  At last the doctor told us that Iman was not really looks like she was autistic (Iman did her spinning once; for a brief moment) in front of the doctor while we were talking at the counter before that), she was alert and active and from what we told him Iman was still one okay child but still too early to say anything and Iman was still too young of age (I was quite relieve to hear that !).  He gave us two types of pills for Iman to try in one weeks.  We paid RM25.00 for this visit.  The doctor did have another observation while Iman was playing outside his room before we left.  Iman was not having any problem in taking those little pills.  What's next ?  I am not sure... but I guess we just have to wait and see if there will be any changes or improvement in Iman's condition.

Iman refused to be pictured with her aunt; watching cartoon on tv.
The pills; pink = 2 pills every noon and night and white = 4 pills every morning and evening.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Iman's Story Continue

For a  few days now I could hear Iman's voice again...good improvement.  She's `reading ' her ABC flash card, I could hear her voicing out some of the alphabets.  She loved pen.  When she found a pen she would search for paper or vice versa then she would scribbled; some straight lines and some circles.  I tried to spend more time talking or playing with her.  I am more patient with her now (there's must be a hikmah to anything that happened !).  I began adding fish oil into her porridge now.  I could still see her doing some spinning around but lesser now.  She would turned her head quicker now (more often now) when called upon.  However, I am beginning to see her tantrum more often now... so what ? I never love her less but more each day ...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Iman In Action

Another hot day...yes the days were hot lately... been praying for rain.
Here is Iman in diaper and undies parading with her bangles - she put them on by herself - wrists and ankles too...

Here is Iman wearing clogs... she was happy clogging around the house shirtless for awhile (as usual).
The clog I took out of my display cabinet were given to me by my sister who got them from a friend who visited Netherlands few years ago.

Click clog

My unpaid laborer hard at work!
In action for the camera

What Went Wrong My Dear Iman ??

02 march 2010 - another Iman's appointment with pediatrician at Serdang Hospital - follow up of  her previous neonatal jaundice.  Two problems were brought up.
The last time we were there the doctor were concerned about her lack of vocabulary/meaningful spoken words and she gave her few more months.
Then, I began monitoring her speech and her behavior.  I realized that she became less vocal and began to show strange (to me it is weird) behavior - she loved to spin around and around, looked like she was enjoying herself doing the spinning.  She sometimes avoided eye contact when spoken to.  She refused to follow instruction or what was said to her not like before she was one chatterbox.  Now she is more `quiet'.  No more `amin' after I read her al-fatihah like before (sad...).  But she still loves to cuddle up with me.  I began to search the internet (as usual) hoping to find some answers or guide about what's going on with that child.  Then I found out about the sign of autism that matches some of her behaviors... what?? she can't be autistic ? how could that happened? She was such a happy/naughty/noisy kid before (right till her age about a year old).  What happened? Where did it go wrong??  I was shocked, afraid, frustrated and most of all I was sad.  I thought I was doing the the right thing and we were on the right track to make sure that she develop into a happy, healthy, intelligent kid.  I couldn't take it at first.  I spent more time searching the internet to find out more about autism or autistic spectrum disorder...  I showed some of the infor to my husband and then he began to watch Iman more closely - I am sure he was feeling what I was experiencing.  We do have friend with an autistic child, so we did hear some stories about it.  But having one ourselves??  Now what?
Well those signs were told to the pediatrician on the visit on 02 March 2010.  The pediatrician did agree with `the signs ' - she noted how Iman was poor in eye contact.  The most obvious sign was her delay in speech (I am still hoping that she is just a late talker !). The pediatrician suggested to sent her to a speech therapist and may be later to a child psychologist.
These are some of the things the pediatrician wrote in her reference letter to the speech thereapist:
- speech delay
- previous noenatal jaundice
- three meaningful words
- able to recognize parents
- able to scribble straight line (Iman loved the pediatrician pen and she was given the paper to scribble)
- running and climbing (as before Iman climbed up the doctor desk to get the pen and running out of the room twice)
- noted poor eye contact
- noted some repetitive movements (loves to spin around)
- sometimes flapping hands while watching TV
- not obeying commands
- love to engage in her own activities but still able to mix and play with other kids
TRO - possibble autistic spectrum disorder

The pediatrician did tell us about her own autistic nephew who are doing alright (sharing her own experience).  She did tell us that she used to hold his head in order to get him to focus on what she was trying to say to him (and that was what I did to Iman sometimes - especially when she was naughty).  When I asked did she really see her as an autistic child?  She said ..hhmm she did shows sign of the spectrum !

Second problem was the lump at the back of Iman - it was there since birth but didn't seem to grow.  The pediatrician referred her to the surgery department.
These were the things she wrote in her reference letter:
- small lump at the back of trunk
- which was persistent & not increasing in size and not affecting child's activities
- clinically, child alert, comfortable
- small lump @ interscapular region, size ~ 1 x 1 cm (firm in consistency), mobile, not tender, not attached to skin or underlying structure
- other systemic review was not significant
Diagnosis -  Small lump over interscapular area
TRO - Dermoid cyst

Then we when to the departments (oral and surgery) to get an appointment.
The book was `full' - Speech therapy in May and surgery in August (wow... we have to wait that long? )

Now what?  As the pediatrician advised - try to get Iman involved in conversation - not to let her lost in her own world so to speak.  Yeah...what else to do (beside praying ?)  Frankly, at this very moment I am still in denial that Iman is autistic (I am a mother okay !!).  Well as a mother of course I will try to help Iman all the way... but only God knows ... and I pray time will heal her ... I really miss her jovial chatters ....really really miss them... God help us much more tears to be shed??

About her weight (the other clinic said she was obese !), the pediatrician did the BMI calculation and told us that Iman's BMI is okay. Since she is active, she will loose more her weight later on.

Whatever it is umi will always love you Iman...

My Husband B'Day

Today - 04 March 2010
His birthday - 36 years old
I managed to get him a card (yes, a card with humor of course) but I couldn't get him any present.  But tonight I am going to treat him dinner...since I am lazy to cook, so we just had our dinner at Pizza Hut.  It was great to see Iman enjoying her portion of food; especially the watermelon.  We can see her `bulging tummy'....hahaha..

Happy birthday my dear hubby, I love you and pray that you'll be blesses always...

Iman and ayah... look at her tummy !  Iman having her drink from her favorite meow-meow cup.

Teasing Iman with a slice of lemon.
We forgot to snap her pic while she was eating ... quite messy... hahaha... but she was the center of the attention of other kids sitting next to us...

Alhamdulillah... full