The Love Of My Life...My Little Angel

Saturday, September 24, 2011

21 Sep 2011 - OCCT Serdang Hospital

Another OCCT appointment at Serdang Hospital - morning session.  I think I prefer morning session because Iman is more relax and alert during this time compared to afternoon session when she usually tired and sleepy and not cooperative sometimes.  During this session, again Iman was pared with another male practical student.  The boy was from Sarawak, he kept calling Iman, Aiman but quickly realized his mixed up.  Aiman is a boy's name...hhhmmm.
Iman was still having problem finishing a task while in the confined seat.  She was more interested in the bird dangling from the light room' ceiling than the lights in the room.  Then when we going from the light room to the ball's room Ima, who was struggling a bit with her slippers, were heard saying, `I'm coming, wait, where you going?' she ran after me and quickly grabbed my hand.  There.... she can speak... speak appropriately to the situation, I mean.
She was happy playing in the pool of balls and then sat `patiently' sticking stickers using glue.  She definitely can concentrate when she's interested in the task.
Lately we are hearing Iman referring/calling me MOMMA and sometimes she added `a' in front; a momma ? Sometimes she kept repeating Momma, Momma then kissed me... Why she just refused to call me Umi ? hhhmmm...should I change referring myself as Momma instead of Umi?  May be I should ?

My little angel

Trying out my selendang

17 Sep 2011 - My Cousin's Adopted Grand Daughter's Wedding

That weekends we went back home to Segamat to attend  my cousin's adopted grand daughter's wedding.  The girl (named Nurul Ain) was given to my cousin's son's (known as Nong to us) wife by the grand father to be adopted when she was a baby.  She was borne into an Indian/Hindu family.  We were wondering and surprised why the ceremony was so `plain' since she was the only child.  After the Majlis Bersanding, we stopped by at my third sister's house for raya visit.  Iman enjoyed herself playing in the twin's play room. We sisters and my mum did take photos there, after few years without.

The couple bersanding outside the Balai Raya
Closed-up...wonder why their wedding attire was so `blend'

Mum with first born
Mum with second daughter
Mum with her youngest
Mum with her four wonderful and beautiful daughters 
Enjoying kuih raya
Enjoying the toys with the twin
Working on new music

14 Sep 2011 - Iman OCCT at GHKL

!4 Sep 2011 - another appointment for OCCT at GHKL.  We were there early, Iman was in a good mood.  While waiting to be called in Iman made an impression on another patient; a 7 year old chinese girl who was also an autistic waiting to see her child psychiatrist.  The chinese girl had kissed Iman ! Then, the mother welcome Iman to sit with them and the girl shared her ipad with Iman.  The mother told me her daughter never want to share her ipad with her sister at home.
At last Iman's name was called.  To my disappointment, Iman therapist was changed...again!  We had to go through the history ... again... hhhhmm.

Sharing with a stranger ?

Aidil Fitri 2011

Aidil Fitri 2011 - celebrated at my hometown after few years of celebrating (first day) at the in laws.  We didn't go anywhere, my mum was not feeling very well so, we stayed/rested at home and entertained relatives who came for a raya visit.
Few days after that we went home then visited the relatives on my hubby's side.

Here are some photos on the festive days:

I reshaped her hair for hari raya

Ayah: ready for Eid's prayer

Waiting for her songs to reload on laptop

Waiting patiently for her songs

Enjoying satay till the stick poked her cheek

Watching bubbles floating around

Enjoying meehoon at my old friend's raya open house
With my old/school friend during her open house

Just look at her

Posing with me

Grinning for the camera

Shy shy cat

Happy moment with ayah